Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas nearing! Politics boiling.

     Hello!  To anyone reading this, Happy Holidays regardless of what you do or don't celebrate.  I think they're important: it's good to kick off miserably cold weather with some festivities, right?  Yesterday was the winter equinox which, according to scientists, is the very same day we're going to die in 2012.  I don't know how I feel about that, but what happens happens, man.

     This holiday should be interesting.  It's the second time my older sister won't be coming home from New York, and we also have deaths in the family surrounding the event.  I'm not upset about that as death is every bit a part of living as living is.  We should celebrate it!  But it's going to be different.  I haven't started shopping, and I don't really know what to get any of my family – Rachel already has her present (I have mine as well) – and all I really want is one of the exercise half-balls fixed to a rubber base and maybe some tools.  I'm easy this year.  That, and I feel bad because my parents are already spending enough money on me.  My car broke down last week and I just moved into a new apartment so I'm already broke... they helped me out.  Dead battery.  Now I need to get my anti-freeze checked.  I hate cars.

     I'm becoming so upset with everything going on in Congress that I've pretty much resigned to leaving this country.  People say they're leaving all the time, but Rachel and I think we've finally had it with the corruption, the sleazy levels of politics, and the outright denial of the freedom of American lives.  I'm not Republican, I'm not a Democrat.  I'm a free thinker.  I've had it.  People ask me where we'll go where government isn't corrupt.  I have an answer!  We'll go somewhere where the people don't give a flying f*** about their government, like Italy!  Tax evasion in Italy is like a national sport.  And politics is more like a high school club, from what I gather.

     I'm afraid that's exactly what will happen here though: This democracy built on the voice of its people will become so rife with corruption and avarice that the ordinary citizen will have no choice but to let it go, live passively to the whims of the bastards at the top.  I am disgusted.  It's interesting, despite the warnings of "The Forefathers" that we have divided into a bipartisan country.  There is no free thought, it's controlled through two routes (both in political association and money).  If you're not one or the other, you don't get the money.  That's that.

Posted via email from Walker's posterous

Friday, December 18, 2009

Exams are over

Exams are over!  My life can return to normal!  This week I: Took an exam in scriptwriting, turned in a five minute mini-documentary, produced a live, fifteen minute radio show complete with legal ID's, promotional tools and three commercials packages, wrote an existential manifesto for the Brave New World, replaced my car battery, finished my KeyNote presentation for BallState.  Now I just need to get through the weekend, write a 1500 word statement on my value to the Digital Storytelling department and I'm gold for the break!

Phew!  A lot's been going on, and after 2:30pm today I will be completely moved out of my university housing and getting on with my life at my new apartment.  The sun is shining (not really).  

And despite not having any money, and owing bills out the ass... I'm really excited for Christmas!  I'm getting older and realizing that it's the people and the sentiment.  I don't care about the commercialization, or even the cost.  I have enough to get by, and I want to share myself with family and friends.  All you need is love, right?

In the coming few weeks, I have some major video projects to wrap up that should be fairly lucrative, so as long as the client comes through I'm good for money.  Security. What else can one hope for in this society?

I wish I had a video, or even a photo or two to upload.  Hmmm...  I saw this on YouTube yesterday and was fairly amazed:

I don't know how this worked... maybe because I don't know how automated lighting systems work, but I still think it's amazing.  Check it out, let it uh... fill you with cheer.


Posted via email from Walker's posterous

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New music

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Rain (Walker Foley Final).m4a (4833 KB)

It's been a  while for anything posting, anything twitter, anything whatever.  We're entering exams week at UD and I just spent the past week getting together materials for Ball State, OurVinyl, several end-of-term projects and have been painting/preparing my new apartment for living.  Good news: We have cats!  I love it!  Cats in the house!  Desmond and Percy.  Beautiful things.

Anyway, here's a song I put together as a final project for my music technology class.  The upper synth melody is a little off in timing, but I like that; human is imperfection.  I was working on something else, but the weather has been so miserable lately that I decided to drop the original plan and make this piece about the rain.  It's drizzly awful here.

Posted via email from Walker's posterous