Tuesday, February 23, 2010


For the first time in my life I truly believe my ideas toward my work are beginning to manifest through artistic expression.  I have moods, things I need to fight for, and several outlets for expression.  I never knew what I wanted to do with the music I played until just recently, never knew what lyrics to write, what feelings to create with the strings.  I'm taking pictures now, lots of them, each expressing something of what I'm feeling.  It's like I'm living outwardly in expression so explosive, it solidifies itself in sounds and light, eternal.  It's all very interesting to me... and I notice it only taking stronger form.  I just need to keep practicing, keep inventing.

I always thought this kind of talk was bullshit, but I'm starting to realize the power we each individually have.  It's like a sculptor's approach: there's a statue in that rock, I just need to let it out.  Truly interesting, truly inspiring.

I've been pushing myself toward writing more, mostly short little scenarios in a class notebook every now and then.  Always thinking of these weighing emotions I always used to ignore, never understanding what's really behind them.  The words of others are becoming a little more awe inspiring.  I just wish I was cool enough way back when in high school to realize all this.  Think of where I'd be.  But we always have to say it's the journey that brought me here.  So, in a way I'm glad it has taken this long.  Where would I be without my experiences?  Now I can make up for the lost time.  Ramble.  Ramble.  Ramble.  I need to spend more time rambling, I hardly spent any of it before.

I hope others find this, too.

A wish a wish a wish a whale.

Posted via email from Walker's posterous


Slumbering away my insides in a dying wakefulness.
I lie between my sheets, the warmth at first a welcome sensation, soon becoming a sweating, grinding burden.
I can feel gravity weighing down the skin of my face, an ethereal stickiness.
My limbs hang heavy, tethered to my body by loose straps, swinging slowly.
My heart beating away at my insides, rueful of this state I've lowed myself to.
I'm to believe that this day has an end, but as it is I just woke up.

Posted via email from Walker's posterous