Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas nearing! Politics boiling.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Exams are over
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
New music
It's been a while for anything posting, anything twitter, anything whatever. We're entering exams week at UD and I just spent the past week getting together materials for Ball State, OurVinyl, several end-of-term projects and have been painting/preparing my new apartment for living. Good news: We have cats! I love it! Cats in the house! Desmond and Percy. Beautiful things.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thanksgiving, among others
Monday, November 23, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Google Announces an OS
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Voice Over Work
Monday, November 16, 2009
UD Commercial
Monday, November 9, 2009
Roman pic of the day
Another installment in my tourist series, this statue is a genuine Michaelangelo housed in some Cathedral on some road somewhere in Rome. Wish I could remember, but we were on a walking tour at the time and they crammed so much information into us in a series of three days that it was impossible to retain all of it. Luckily, there are photos! It's funny: I started a travel journal while I was there which lasted all of three days until I realized "I'm in Rome!" Stop writing and experience, right? Now I'm realizing the value of travel journals... oh well. Next time.
Drying Up
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Artist of the Month
Roman Pic of the Day
I'm not really sure where this was taken. We got lost one day after visiting Keats' grave and wandered into a park. This building was down an alley near that park. I think it's amazing how well preserved these buildings are. It's such a different concept: They renovate when things get old, we just knock 'em down and rebuild.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Roman Pic of the Day
I'm a nerd...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
For a friend
Roman Pic of the Day
You can find graffiti almost anywhere in Europe. Spain's my favorite place to see it, but there's some cool stuff on the walls in Rome as well. Graffiti was often used to write political messages or pose social attitudes... in some places it was even used to ask questions. Sounds a lot like the Ancient Roman version of Twitter.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Quote of the Day
“They treated me like a child molester, so I just got the f*** out of there" (Booth,http://tinyurl.com/yg3f845).
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
First attempt at using loops in Garage Band
I've been taking an audio technology class and, as an introduction to different audio programs and basic looping systems, we learned GarageBand... so here's something I cranked out. The text I'm reading is from 1984, Brave New World, and a random lecture on physics I found through a Google search.
Roman pic of the day
I walked by the Pantheon almost every day before class. It was typically a forty-minute sojourn, except for the one day I took a taxi – very convenient, but afterward I was ashamed of myself. This is one of my favorite sites in Rome... I really don't know what it is about it, but I was in awe every time I saw it or stepped inside. The oculus in the top of the building is open to the sky, so when it rains outside, it rains inside. There was only one day when the rain was significant enough, making it worth it to run all the way to the Pantheon, but unfortunately I was doing my laundry. Some day.
So, I Googled Thanksgiving imagery in anticipation of one of my favorite holidays... and Ann Curry from NBC came up among a slew of cornucopia. Why?
Monday, November 2, 2009
I lied, one more
Daily Rome Pic
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Magic Bullet Suite 2009!

Monday, October 26, 2009
Paranormal Activities
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Dolphin Olympics 2009
So, as you may or may not know the Dolphin Olympics are back! That's right, you are just one click away from the greatest athletic event this century has ever seen! Here it is! Go compete for yourself and then come back and we'll continue:
Are you back? Great. How was it? Hard at first and slightly confusing? Just another stupid flash game? Well let me tell you, this particular game created by Alan Rawkins and first place recipient of the Casual Game Design Contest #3 has been the occupation of every second of spare me-time for the past week. A coworker at my on-campus job pointed me to it Monday, and I have been obsessed with breaking each and every record I set. So far I've earned 9,000,000 points, but compared to those of the high scores list, this number is laughable. It is an obsession too! There are mini-support communities for the game, including information, reviews, and (dun dun dun!) strategy guides and video walkthroughs -- yes, I've watched them; yes, they help. Dolphin Olympics 2 truly is, a game of skill and good timing. If you haven't, you should, so click that link and get competing!
Other notes:
Aliens terrify me, ever since I was little (I just watched the trailer for Fourth Kind). When my sister would babysit me, she would tell me she had laid her alien eggs in my carpet, and that if I got out of bed they would hatch and get me. Shortened: "I've laid eggs in your carpet. stay in bed or else."
Everything was always an or else when I was a kid.
"You do well in school or else,"
"You stay in bed or else,"
"You clean your plate or else."
It wasn't until I tread each of these waters that I discovered 'or else' meant Military School, an Ass-Beating, or a Sharp Rap on the Head with a Spoon in this order respectively. Being a kid was weird now that I look at it: always on the verge of some great unknown punishment. Religion used to do that for people, maybe it still does. I think I came out of it well though. For a while my mom had the fear that all good parents must have -- "Is my kid going to turn out all right?" Which is a selfish thought for the most part. Being a parent puts this heavy new responsibility on you to make a good product; it's a long haul and I think that's the dread men get the day of birth, pacing back and forth in the waiting room and huffing away on cigarettes. If your product is no good, who does it reflect on? I can't wait to have kids.
Well, I think that might be enough for now. Thanks for reading to this point.
Let me know what you think,