Saturday, November 7, 2009

Artist of the Month

The Flyer News Article

So for some reason, and I'm not really sure what, my school newspaper has declared me artist of the month.  It's interesting because I haven't been on the stage all year, and am playing catch-up with old video projects.  In fact, I don't really think I've been involved in anything deserving of this in recent... but hey, it's still cool, right?

It's making me think, though... I really need to step up on getting my own camera.  I need to start shooting in HD and kicking up my work.  I need I need I need.  

I'm trying to put together different ideas for web content which explore random footage/segments, small web shows, etc.  I really like what Blame Society Productions is doing with their content.  I think they have fun, they do what they want, and they have a pretty good market.  It seems like anyone can do this stuff with a  good enough idea... or in the case of Shane Dawson and a few others on YouTube, with enough persistence.  You build a fan base, generate a consistent stream of web content and market the hell out of yourself and you should be gold, right?  I guess that's why there's a lot of research being done on this stuff.  But that's what I love about the internet – It's the poor man's Hollywood.  Anyone can make it, it's a new era of the American Dream! Remember that?  Work hard and be rewarded?  You, too, can do it!

Posted via email from Walker's posterous

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