So for some reason, and I'm not really sure what, my school newspaper has declared me artist of the month. It's interesting because I haven't been on the stage all year, and am playing catch-up with old video projects. In fact, I don't really think I've been involved in anything deserving of this in recent... but hey, it's still cool, right?
It's making me think, though... I really need to step up on getting my own camera. I need to start shooting in HD and kicking up my work. I need I need I need.
I'm trying to put together different ideas for web content which explore random footage/segments, small web shows, etc. I really like what Blame Society Productions is doing with their content. I think they have fun, they do what they want, and they have a pretty good market. It seems like anyone can do this stuff with a good enough idea... or in the case of Shane Dawson and a few others on YouTube, with enough persistence. You build a fan base, generate a consistent stream of web content and market the hell out of yourself and you should be gold, right? I guess that's why there's a lot of research being done on this stuff. But that's what I love about the internet – It's the poor man's Hollywood. Anyone can make it, it's a new era of the American Dream! Remember that? Work hard and be rewarded? You, too, can do it!
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