So, I don't have much time to get into this, but I just bought the Magic Bullet Suite for my Mac from a third party seller, Creation Engine. Not only did I get a 600 dollar discount for being a student (it only cost me $200!), but I was able to download the product within 24 hours and have it up and running on my computer almost instantly. It seamlessly integrated with my Final Cut Pro and After Effects programs and the applications make grading and cleanup work a snap.
To the left is a "Before" photo of a pic I took with Photo Booth.

Here's the after. Yeah, I know... the tone is completely changed. Looks is amazingly easy to use and understand and, with the help of my trusty Filmmaker's Handbook 2008 Ed., I'm able to follow along and understand the practical applications of each of its effects.
And speaking of The Filmmaker's Handbook, it's a great reference for beginners and pros, packed with tons of useful info that's helped me make decisions on lighting, video format, compression, storage, etc. I recommend it for anyone to have on hand at their NLE or even in the field. It taught me a lot of things about being in the field and camera set up that two years of classes didn't. I definitely recommend it.
Here's the link: http://preview.tinyurl.com/y998p88
Next purchase, I think, will be a secondary hard drive and an upgrade to FCS 7. From there on out: HD Glidecam, Camera and I'm a happy man. Well... until I can get a small sound system and a Hi-Def secondary coloring monitor! From there on out, the stars!
That's all for now,
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