Why? My girlfriend and I went up to Ohio University this weekend, which hosts one of the biggest, if not the biggest, Halloween parties in the United States. The costumes, for the most part, were fantastic – my favorite being the person dressed as the old man from Up!, carrying a train of some 100+ helium-filled balloons.
My least favorite: slutty bumblebees, slutty strawberries, slutty cops, slutty naval officers, and the slutty list goes on. I can't believe some of the girls of my generation. Rachel pointed out to me a girl whose skirt was so short that you could see her labia, granted she wasn't wearing any underwear. I won't go into it, but there are a lot of people out there who really disappoint my perspective of humanity... Nietzsche would tell me to chill out. I should chill out.
Anyway, ZOMBIES! After our costuming plans fell through, Rachel and I went to a costume shop and grabbed some effects makeup to pay homage to our favorite horror heros – zombies!
You can check the photo out at my posterous account. I wish the photo was better, but I think we did a decent job. Doing the makeup inspired me to do a no-budget zombie film. It was easy, it was fun. I have cameras. And actors. Let's do it! So now in some of my down time, I'll be researching DIY disemboweling effects from the folks at Indy Mogul. The Magic Bullet Suite should really help me out too!
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