Monday, November 23, 2009


Strange dreams lately... The first, an esoteric nightmare with anthropic beings trying to genetically alter me and those around, one by one.  They spoke in a babbling language that Hunter S. Thompson himself might have invented, and lulled people into seclusion, where they would inject them with chemicals... once done, it was over.  You were theirs.  No understanding, no logic following.  Done.  It was terrifying.  A lot of the people who were affected went into this trance-like coma.

The second: More fun, but also scary.  Holed up in a large house defending human refugees against zombies (always on my mind, right?).  At one point the severed upper torso of a little boy grabbed onto the back of my shirt, screaming and flailing wildly with blood-stained mouth and hands.  I woke up so startled that I whipped around and almost punched my then-sleeping girlfriend in the face.  

"How'd you get that black eye Rachel?" 


I don't know why I'm having these dreams consistently.  I haven't had "nightmares" since I was a kid... but I'm trying to look to them for inspiration and actually look forward to having them.  It's in our dreams where we truly and absolutely create... and these dreams have been completely lucid.

Maybe I should put them on hold until I finish the semester... I have so many projects and papers due.  This has been one of the most intellectually and academically challenging semesters of my college career.  I'm thankful for it, but at the same time I'm screaming my head off.  Oh, research paper due tomorrow!  It will be a long night.

Posted via email from Walker's posterous

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